Glorious weather, more donations, Grandparents Day at Glenelg Country School, some catch up at work, and four great rides ... that was my week. On the riding front, I could not get out on Monday or Tuesday (hmm ... did that last week too). Wednesday's ride was a little less than 40 miles on the rolling country roads of Glenelg and West Friendship. With April upon me, I need to get out for longer rides. I got off to a good start on Thursday (no April fools) with a 55 mile ride to Anne Arundel County including Odenton, Millersville, and Crownsville. Crownsville is home to the annual Maryland Renaissance Festival each Fall. Some busy stretches, but also some nice quiet back roads. Leah had a great day with her Grammy and Aunt Kathy at the Glenelg Country School Grandparents Day event. Leah perfromed in the chorus and played the bells. The timing of Jane's trip was perfect.
Friday saw a 57 mile adventure to downtown Baltimore, past the stadiums, returning home via the Gwynns Falls Trail, Woodlawn, and Ellicott City. I had tried to take the trail out of the city earlier this year, but missed a turn. This time I was more focused and managed to follow it all the way from downtown, past Montgomery Park, to the trailhead by the Social Security Administration in Woodlawn. The trail has some wonderful bridges and sections, but also some run down sections. Staying on the trail meant a few non-paved portions and some hilly switch backs ... an adventure for sure. I even "turtled" (fell down while not moving for you non-cyclists) at the end of trail (rather than jump an eight inch curb). From Woodlawn, I headed past my Medicare office and client for a nice descent down Dogwood Road to the Patapsco River before the big climb on Old Frederick Road. Saturday was spent off the bike (if I had written this when I was supposed to, I would know why, but right now my memory fails me).
I had planned about 50 miles on Sunday to bring me to 200 for the week, but just kept going during another ride east to Anne Arundel County. I ended up taking the Baltimore & Annapolis Trail the entire length from Glen Burnie to Annapolis. From the trail, I headed past the Naval Academy (over the bridge closest to the school in the photo) and home via Route 424 through Crownsville and Crofton, and then Odenton. 75 miles when all was said and done. Gave me 225 miles for the week.
Photo taken from

Just shy of $8,500 raised to date with almost 2,000 miles logged in 2010 (1,100 spin/900 road ... should see the magic 50/50 split by tax day). Less than 80 days until I leave for Astoria, Oregon. Oh yea, there is a Scandanavian festival, ScanFest, the weekend I am there.